After our three or so weeks in Bethlehem, we took a road trip across the border through Jordan to close out the trip. Our first stop was at the Crown Plaza Hotel on the Dead Sea, somewhere in Jordan, I never even knew what city it was exactly. My group was in the pool that night, but I went out at sunset alone down to the “beach”, and just floated in the water for about 30 minutes with my hands behind my head looking up at the empty sky that was slowly turning a soft orange. I brought a little bottle with me to take some water back home, and during the bottling process, somehow I splashed water in my eyes. Holy crap that hurt haha. I felt pretty much hopeless — I had nothing to wipe down my eyes with because I was submerged in this crazy poisonous, salty, acid water.
I just sat there waiting for a miracle, as if nothing was wrong, waiting for tears to wash it clean, or maybe I could walk blind up and feel around for a towel or something. Then I heard splashing footsteps approach me, shortly followed by an unexpected blast of freezing fresh water to the face. Instantly the pain was gone and I could see. I think I told him I loved him, but I’m not sure he understood me, lol. Thank God.
After one night there, we ventured on to Petra. I have wanted to come here my whole life, I could hardly believe we were going. The drive there was so stunning in such a unique way. I spent quite a bit of time standing on my seat taking pictures outside of the sunroof. It felt so liberating with the breeze in my face, even though it felt like an oven at times. We had to keep turning the air conditioning off each time we’d go up a hill to keep the car from being overworked. The ride was hilly but went smoothly, with the occasional stop for a stray camel in the road or a sheep herder crossing. Petra was incredible.
The long hike just to get there was a masterpiece of its own. The horse drawn carriages and camels made me feel like we were way back in time. You really only think of the one iconic structure with the columns when you think of Petra, but there is an entire ancient city built into the rock that was pretty incredible. You really would need about 2 full days to check it all out. I didn’t realize the main attraction was simply a tomb, without any real indoor part. It goes back only a few feet, and it’s blocked off. It’s a place I would definitely go back!