For my thirtieth, my gentleman and I took a trip to Guatemala. We started in Antigua, and spent the rest of our time on Lake Atitlán in this jaw-dropping bungalow/resort/dreamy escape. Waking up the first morning really sealed the deal when we were having breakfast on our front porch overlooking the water, and the most gorgeous girl golden retriever happily jumped on our porch with a ball. If anyone knows me, they know that I am obsessed with animals, especially cute puppies (and elephants). We fell in love, cuddled on the porch, played ball, and immediately established our sense of home and love.
When Sanza lost her beloved ball, she found avocados around the property to play with instead. This melted us. Any time we saw an avocado or round-shaped anything strategically placed in an open area or our path, we looked for her face hiding behind a rock or bush. Commence the game! She represented the essence of what I associate with home; it’s not the luxury, views, instagram photos, no — it’s that comfort, honest & pure love, and some sweet innocence.
So grateful for this whole experience, all the little towns we ventured to, the stunning location, outdoor bathrooms…but especially my dreamy heart-throb sultry man who took charge in every situation with his eloquent Spanish in that deep voice, who took care of me when I was disgusting and sick, who was patient and flexible, who didn’t judge me for the way I lose in chess, taught me salsa dancing, and encouraged me about life under the stars in a wood-fired hot tub. Love you.
Photos from Canon 5D MKIII and iPhone X.
Where we stayed (and would stay again): La Fortuna at Atitlán

Oh my god the lake pictures went straight to my chest!!! Favorite: red shorts. You’re so adorable AND gorgeous.